Top Ways to Prep for Your Air Conditioning Clean and Tune

Top Ways to Prep for Your Air Conditioning Clean and Tune

April 26, 2019

If you have called Haly Home Comfort for a cleaning because you’ve heard noises inside your system, the weather is warming up, or it’s been about a year since your last cleaning, it’s time for us to visit you!

Air Conditioner maintenance is important, because when the system is running smoothly, it saves you time and money. So when your air conditioner runs all out on a super-hot and humid day, it’s not stressing the entire system out, leading to a burnout.

Change the air filter- the old one can slide out and pop the new one in. If you aren’t sure where it is or what size, ask our Haly Home Comfort AC tech to tell you and get the sizing. 

Go outside and take a look at the condenser- do you see any bugs, leaves, twigs or even nests in the top grates or edges of your unit? Clear them away in preparation for your AC technicians, in addition to any debris that may have blown up alongside.

Got pets? Don’t allow dogs or other pets to ‘mark’ the condenser- animal urine is damaging to AC equipment. If it could become a problem, consider installing a fence around the unit with at least 2-3 from the condenser that is easily removed for our technicians but keeps pets at bay.

Do you have plants nearby? Make sure any bushes or flowers, especially trees, are at least 2-3 feet away from your unit. You want enough space for air to flow freely through the unit as well as have room for our techs to properly work on the unit. 

We’ll check the unit to ensure there are no nests or anything making a home in there- like a snake! We’ll clean out the condenser and wash the coils, as well as clean or replace the air filter.

Watch as the Haly techs clean and tune an AC unit.

Don’t let another day go by with a dirty AC, call today at 610-251-0342.